Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Street Art Exposed.

This photo is supposed to model street art. What I have here resembles humans abusing humans, like they abuse animals. It states "Do you like feeling their pain?" meaning: Would you like to feel the pain they feel for doing nothing but wanting to be your friend? To spend time with you? All that animal wanted to do was get pet and have a loving family. He DID NOT want to get beat and poked at to become a piece of meat on your table. Animals may not be able to talk, but they sure do still have feelings, they feel pain just like you and I. The original picture is horrifying. 

I took the Chinese 'animal control' and cut the men out of the picture, using the threshold and the multiply layer, I slapped them onto this billboard. I then added a person in the fetal position to resemble the dog that was being beat.

The only thing that was hard was trying to get the depth correct and making them look like they were actually spray painted or stenciled on the billboard. I also added spray paint brushes.

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